Sunday, May 1, 2011

And here we go again

I know at the end of my first entry I said I would do two things; one was write another entry last night and the other was explain the name of my blog. Well, I didn't write an entry last night (oops) and I'm not going to explain the name because it's kind of self-explanatory and boring.

Instead, I would rather discuss living arrangements. Odd and random, right? Well here is the deal. Back in December, my kids and I left Germany and moved in with my parents. This was only supposed to be a temporary living situation until the Army could approve our paperwork and get our housing allowance started. Well, here we are in the month of May and still no housing allowance. My two toddlers and I have been living with my parents for a little over 5 months -- and I'm going crazy. We're all going crazy. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents. I have always been fairly close to them relationship-wise. However, after moving out and establishing a home with my husband, I gained a new sense of independence. I learned a new definition of personal space -- both of which I no longer feel I have. It gets flat out depressing sometimes. I am so ready to get out of their house and into my own house -- with my own space, my own schedule, my own way of doing things!

Ugh. I could never be one of those people who live with their parents until they're 30. Ok, rant over. I suppose I could get some studying done now that I've fulfilled my daily obligation to my blog. I have two finals this week before I leave for my mini-vacation to Germany to see the husband. Oh, how I've missed him. He comes home for good in June, but June just can't come fast enough.

Until tomorrow my loves :)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

And so we finally meet...

I went back and forth many times about creating a blog when I saw all the cool kids doing it. It's bad enough I conformed to the MySpace and Facebook craze, no way was I joining in on the blogging thing. Oh, how did I know I would eventually eat those words?

Well here I am, after several months of fighting the urge, writing my very first blog entry. Part of me is screaming in excitement (on the inside because my kids would freak if I were randomly screaming out loud) that I have somewhere to put my totally random thoughts into writing. I absolutely love to write when it isn't school related. I'm just much better at putting my thoughts into words on paper -- well, in this case the computer.

Well dolls, and maybe a gent or two from time to time, I think this will be about it for entry numero uno. I fully intend to post another entry by the end of the night to explain the name of the blog for anyone who might be interested...or just plain bored.

Until then, I bid thee farewell ;)