Saturday, April 30, 2011

And so we finally meet...

I went back and forth many times about creating a blog when I saw all the cool kids doing it. It's bad enough I conformed to the MySpace and Facebook craze, no way was I joining in on the blogging thing. Oh, how did I know I would eventually eat those words?

Well here I am, after several months of fighting the urge, writing my very first blog entry. Part of me is screaming in excitement (on the inside because my kids would freak if I were randomly screaming out loud) that I have somewhere to put my totally random thoughts into writing. I absolutely love to write when it isn't school related. I'm just much better at putting my thoughts into words on paper -- well, in this case the computer.

Well dolls, and maybe a gent or two from time to time, I think this will be about it for entry numero uno. I fully intend to post another entry by the end of the night to explain the name of the blog for anyone who might be interested...or just plain bored.

Until then, I bid thee farewell ;)